Monday, 25 March 2013


Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

  • In the preliminary task we had to focus on the 180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot,  when in actual fact, a lot more editing techniques need to be used to produce a good film opening.

  • We had to consider sound, transitions and titles in the opening, which is a lot of progression from the preliminary task.

  • Considering cinematography, we used different shots, angles and movements which has progressed my film making from the preliminary task.

  • When planning our opening and our shooting script we originally planned for our shots to be very fast paced, e.g. 2 - 3 seconds long. We wanted to do this to add interest for our audience to confuse them so they wanted to carry on watching to make sense of it all, as I though the preliminary task was boring to watch as an audience as the shots were all a similar slow paced length.

  • In the preliminary task, the framing of our shots were restricted due to the techniques we had to include (180 degree rule, match on action and shot reverse shot). This motivated me to progress with framing my shots in more interesting ways.

  • In the preliminary task, we did not consider mise-en-scene such as props, costume, lighting and location. These factors make a huge impact when creating an opening as they help to grab the audiences attention. We took time in planning our film.

  • I have also progressed in the amount of posts on my blog. Although I have more on my main task than my preliminary task, I still think I need to improve my time management skills and consistently create blog posts to add more continuity to my blog.


What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of construction this product?

We used a digital video camera to film the product. This wasn't a new piece of technology to me as I have used it in previous filming tasks such as my GCSE product and the preliminary task. We used a handheld camera for some of the shots in our opening, whereas in the preliminary we used a tripod for all of our shots. I developed the ways in which you can film a media product efficiently. In the preliminary task continuity editing was a huge focus so I have also developed my understanding of using different editing techniques, such as jump cuts, whilst filming the thriller opening.

We used lighting throughout our opening like this but slightly smaller. I have never used lighting during filming before so I have widened my use of technologies to create effects on different shots. I still think I could improve using this technology as some of the shots in the product were still slightly dark, decreasing the quality and clarity of film.

I often use Apple Mac's to complete different pieces of work and media on. Although throughout my main task I have widened my use of software on the Mac.

Previously, I have used Final Cut Express to edit media on. While editing the opening piece to a thriller film, we used the updated piece of software, Final Cut Pro, which has many more options on for editing the product. I learnt how to add and alter sound, change the saturation of shots and develop our piece of media by cutting shots and adding shots in. I think this piece of software was easier to use as it was simpler and much quicker.


How did you attract/address your audience?


Who would be the audience for your media product?

Making it a 12 would have widened our audience.

Although the portrayal of drugs should not be glamorised or provide instructional details in this classification, although there can be infrequent sights of drugs misuse in a 12 or 12A film.

I think our film wouldn't attract audiences as young as 12 as I think the content of the story line would be too complicated to follow.

I have decided to make my film a 15 classification.

This will allow strong violence, strong language, portrayals of sexual activity, strong verbal references to sex, sexual nudity, brief scenes of sexual violence or verbal references to sexual violence, discriminatory language or behaviour and drug taking.

Our film will have a niche audience from the ages of 15 to approximately 25 years.

Although this could expand after the distribution of our film from Momentum Pictures.


What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?


How does your media product represent particular social groups?


 In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

A zoom is a conventional camera movement seen in thriller films. This draws attention whatever is in the shot, letting the audience know that it is something important.

The costume I have used challenges thriller genre conventions he is not wearing a suit. Other thriller films I have looked at such as Collateral, Swordfish and Limitless all have a male character wearing a suit. They are also the first characters to be seen in the film as it gives off certain representations such as power and authority. I didn't choose to go with this convention as I wanted to create other representations of my character. He is seen as careless and vulnerable, but also, in control which is seen through his action of jumping out of the window and running.

This font is very similar to the font used in the title sequence of Seven. We have developed this convention further by making our titles very subjection to the certain frame e.g. on the bed. We have used dissolve fades so it comes in and out in time with the camera movements and editing.