Monday, 25 March 2013


What have you learnt about the technologies from the process of construction this product?

We used a digital video camera to film the product. This wasn't a new piece of technology to me as I have used it in previous filming tasks such as my GCSE product and the preliminary task. We used a handheld camera for some of the shots in our opening, whereas in the preliminary we used a tripod for all of our shots. I developed the ways in which you can film a media product efficiently. In the preliminary task continuity editing was a huge focus so I have also developed my understanding of using different editing techniques, such as jump cuts, whilst filming the thriller opening.

We used lighting throughout our opening like this but slightly smaller. I have never used lighting during filming before so I have widened my use of technologies to create effects on different shots. I still think I could improve using this technology as some of the shots in the product were still slightly dark, decreasing the quality and clarity of film.

I often use Apple Mac's to complete different pieces of work and media on. Although throughout my main task I have widened my use of software on the Mac.

Previously, I have used Final Cut Express to edit media on. While editing the opening piece to a thriller film, we used the updated piece of software, Final Cut Pro, which has many more options on for editing the product. I learnt how to add and alter sound, change the saturation of shots and develop our piece of media by cutting shots and adding shots in. I think this piece of software was easier to use as it was simpler and much quicker.

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